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Enrolling for FCTS Courses and Programs

At FCTS, you can enrol for any of our Theological programs and courses through the following online form with an opportunity to obtain scholarship grants from FCTS and our Help Desk Officers shall get in touch with you as soon as possible to put you through the admission processes. On enrolling for our courses, a unique Course Advisor shall be attached to you. Your Course Advisor shall help you through out the admission process and your entire course period. You can also reach the school through your Course Advisor.

High Quality Education at its best.

Fill the following Course Enrolment Form to enrol and apply for admission into FCTS Campuses plus scholarship grants from FCTS Campuses.


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The Faith Christian Theological Seminary

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The Faith Christian Theological Seminary (FCTS) is a Bible University where you are trained to become God's Minister and an efficient Church Leader. We offer you a Christian atmosphere where your faith is grown in the Word of God and strengthened by the guidance and supports of Spirit-filled Instructors whose responsibility it is, to make you grow in the faith and grace of God through His divine words and the application of the Word of Faith in your Christian Ministry.

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The Faith Christian Theological Seminary
